Below are selected publications and presentations by our staff, detailing the various approaches and challenges to attaining cross-cultural measurement equivalence.
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Pediatric and parent proxy Peds-FACT-Br translations and cross-cultural validation: challenges and resolutions
Arnold B., Bredle J., Parks-Vernizzi E., Savic L.
Presented at ISOQOL Prague, October 2022.
Targeting Conceptual Equivalence in the Norwegian Linguistic Validation of Pediatric and Parent Proxy PROMIS Items
Parks-Vernizzi E., Boucher A., Arnold B., Correia H., Sletten IN, Garratt A.
Presented at PHO (Virtual), October 2021.
Translation and Linguistic Validation of Dutch-Flemish PROMIS Item Banks: Cognitive Function, Itch -Interference, and Self-Efficacy
Parks-Vernizzi E., Boucher A., Arnold B., Zonjee V., Correia H., Kuijlaars I., Fischer K., Haverman L., Terwee C.
Presented at PHO (Virtual), October 2021.
Psychometric properties of the FACT-G quality of life scale for family caregivers of cancer patients
Song L., Tan X., Bredle J., Bennett A.V., Northouse L.
Good practices for the translation, cultural adaptation, and linguistic validation of clinician-reported outcome, observer-reported outcome, and performance outcome measures
McKown S, Acquadro C, Anfray C, Arnold B, Eremenco S, Giroudet C, Martin M, Weiss D
J Patient Rep Outcomes; 2020 Nov 4;4(1): 89. doi: 10.1186/s41687-020-00248-z. PMID: 33146755
Winner of JPRO Paper of the Year
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the universal Portuguese-version of the Pediatric Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (pedsFACIT-F)
Karla P. Fernandes, K.P., Teixeira, B.S , Arnold, B.A., Mendonca, T.M., Oliveira, S.M., da Silva, C.H.M.
Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the FACIT-PAL quality of life instrument
Bagcivan G., Bredle J., Bakitas M., Guciz Dogan B.
Going up 2 flights and mopping: Harmonizing cross-cultural issues for FACIT-Dyspnea.
Savic, L., Parks-Vernizzi, E., Boucher, A., Guillen, R, Dhar, J., Pérez, B., Ludwig, N., Bredle, J., Arnold, B.
Presented at ISOQOL San Diego, October 2019.
Understanding the concept and context of “condition” and its cross-cultural harmonization during the translation and linguistic validation of the FACT-Bl-Cys.
Dhar, J., Savic, L., Boucher, A., Parks-Vernizzi, E., Guillen, R., Pérez, B., Ludwig, N., Bredle, J., Arnold, B.
Presented at ISOQOL San Diego, October 2019.
Spanish Translation and Linguistic Validation of PROMIS® Sexual Function and Satisfaction Measures: Challenges and Solutions.
Pérez, B., Arnold, B., Parks-Vernizzi, E., Correia, H.
Presented at PROMIS Health Organization Annual Conference San Diego, October 2019.
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