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Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group - Neurotoxicity 12 Item Version

For patients with Neurotoxicity



The FACT/GOG-NTX provides a targeted assessment of symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, including sensory, motor, and auditory problems and cold sensitivity. This instrument has been demonstrated to be reliable and has internal consistency, content validity, and concurrent validity with sensitivity to change over time among various samples of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The psychometric properties of the 13-item FACT/GOG-NTX have been established with a large sample of clinical trial participants who received an oxaliplatin-based regimen for operable colorectal cancer. The FACT/GOG-NTX subscale yields a single aggregate score, which simplifies its use as a clinical trial endpoint. Individual items can be reviewed in the clinical setting to identify clinically significant symptomatology.


Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group - Neurotoxicity 12 Item Version (FACT/GOG-NTX-12)






Cancer patients 18 and older with neurotoxicity


Past 7 days


5 point Likert-type scale


Paper and electronic


Self-administration and interview when applicable


Subscale domains: Physical Well-Being, Social/Family Well-Being, Emotional Well-Being, Functional Well-Being, Neurotoxicity Subscale


10-15 minutes


Manual scoring template, some items are reverse scored. Subscale scores, total scores and TOI scores possible.


Language Availability

Available translations of the FACT/GOG-NTX-12 can be obtained by registering for permission. Users are not permitted to translate the FACT/GOG-NTX-12 without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT/GOG-NTX-12 may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and availability of FACIT staff. Translations must undergo a rigorous methodology under the guidance of which includes multiple translators, QA steps and cognitive interviews with patients. For commercial use, FACITtrans is the approved translation vendor to translate the FACIT measurement system.

Please contact us for more information.

Language Availability


Licensing fees are assessed on a per trial/per measure basis for commercial use. There is no fee for use of the English version, but a license should be obtained.

Non-commercial use is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Licensing fees are typically not applied to investigator-initiated research, students, or clinical use.

To license an available version of this measure for commercial or non-commercial use, please complete our registration form. All of the information provided in the form will be kept strictly confidential. For questions, please contact us.

Selected References

Selected References

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